An archeological JOURNEY thourgh Santos’ works

Repository was created by the desire to preserve history.  The antique library index box houses a new catalog of cards, keeping records of all of Santos’ artwork. Modeled after the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCNN), fields are attributed to each piece as follows: Title, size, and medium. Description with a synopsis of the work, date, author (all name variations), and keyword. Each work is identified by a catalog number. The sense of a traditional archive is elevated by the use of a conventional typewriter to compose each card. The Repository is displayed on a tower pedestal and its drawer is left open, inviting the viewer to peruse through the many cards in the collection.

This initiative is directly connected with Santos’ childhood home and its location. UNICAMP is one of the largest universities in Brazil, sitting on a 680 acres campus and right across the street from the house I grew up in. While in middle school, Santos did not visit the local library, but instead the main repository of the university. The five-store building housed thousands of books, encyclopedias, and collections. Since she was not a university student, Carol could not borrow materials, but she could read them while in the building. At age of twelve Santos had mastered the vast corridors of drawers and shelves.

preserving memories

Repository, Antique Library Box, Index cards, 18in x 10in x 8in | 2021 - Present.




Panos de Prato